Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cardboard and Cupcakes :)

It's been quite a lovely weekend here in Sioux City, my friends!  Even though I've been stuck on campus because my mobile friends left town, I've thoroughly enjoyed the past few days.  Here's a day-by-day synopsis of the most exciting (and relaxing) things I did this weekend.

After I received and rehearsed the newest songs for my pep band (we're doing a pop show next weekend!), I had some time to wind down and just chill with a few of my friends.  Later that evening, we went to the Homeless Hangout, which was sponsored by our school's volunteer group.  I think we were supposed to learn facts about homelessness there...but that really didn't happen.  Instead, we built a house out of cardboard boxes and reverted back to the good old days when playing house was a daily activity.  But have no fear, I learned all about homelessness from my junior and senior year religion teacher!

For the first Saturday in a long time, I woke up at a reasonable hour!  After watching a couple episodes of Man vs. Food with my neighbor (new guilty pleasure?), I headed off to brunch with a couple friends, where I had one of Chef Jerry's delicious omelets.  They're to die for!
That afternoon, I headed over to the fine arts building to be supportive of my friend who needed to finish her still life drawing in that building.  Surprisingly, it was really relaxing just sitting in there, listening to my iPod and studying for my mid-term on Monday.  I felt so productive!
When we got back to the dorm, it was cupcake time!  We sat in the kitchen while the cupcakes baked, listening to a medley of Train songs.  I'm no pro, but I got to help decorate the cupcakes!  My frosting and sprinkling skills never fail.  :)
By the way...baking ice cream into your cupcakes makes them delicious!!!

Deciding what classes to take next semester quickly turned into planning out the next four years of my life.  Nothing's set in stone yet, but it's looking like my future is bright.  :)

So there you have it!  If you have questions, comments, or just want to know more about my exciting and exotic know where to find me.  :)

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