Monday, April 30, 2012

Second Semester Soundtrack

Alright, friends.  As we're about to kick off the final week of my freshman year of college, it is with great excitement that I present to you my second semester soundtrack.  I've spent the past few months figuring out exactly which five songs will always remind me the most of this semester of college.  And so, without further ado, let's get this show on the road.  Here they are, in order.

5. Indian Outlaw by Tim McGraw
Released in 1994, this was one of Tim's early hits.  It's #5 on my list because, as I'm sure you all know by now, I'm going to see Tim (and Kenny Chesney) in concert in July.  So I've made a playlist of Tim and Kenny music, and that's pretty much all I listen to every single day of my life.  One day when I was walking to lunch with my best bud, I started singing this song to her.
I'm an Indian outlaw
Half Cherokee and Choctaw
My baby, she's a Chippewa
She's one of a kind.
She proceeded to tell me that I am not an Indian outlaw.  In fact, I'm not even Native American.  So now, naturally, I sing this at her regularly, just because it's so funny.  So watch the video.  You won't regret it.

4. We Are Golden by MIKA
Ok, some of you might regret watching this one.  It's basically a guy dancing around in a diaper-looking thing the entire video.  You've been warned.
I had a two-week phase this semester of listening to nothing but this song.  Literally.  So of course it's on my list.  Despite the video being a little odd (because, well, that's what MIKA is), it's a really catchy song.  I love it because it reminds me that I need to make the most of my last year of being a teenager.  Some of the lyrics are a little bit cryptic, but I have my favorite line:
Like a magpie, I live for glitter, not you.
Magpies absolutely love to collect shiny things to put in their nests.  That's just what they do.  So this line is all about doing what you love and not letting anyone (friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, parent, professor--anyone) get in the way of that.  And I think that's awesome.  Magpies, I salute you.

3. Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
Sometime last month, my roommate got me hooked on this song.  Since then, I've heard it played over and over again EVERYWHERE.  I'm telling you, this song is contagious.  It will get stuck in your head and never leave.  Now, I'm not hating on Call Me Maybe.  I really do think it's a good song.  But if I may, let me just do a minor lyrical analysis.
Before you came into my life,
I missed you so bad.
I missed you so bad.
I missed you so, so bad.
Before you came into my life,
I missed you so bad.
And you should know that.
I missed you so, so bad.
Wait.  You missed me before you even met me?!  How is that possible?  Have you been stalking me?!?!
It's hard to look right
At you, baby
But here's my number
So call me, maybe.
It's hard to look at me??  Well that's rude.  I mean, yeah, I haven't showered yet today, but I didn't think I was so unattractive that it's hard to look at me.  So why are you giving me your number if my appearance is so unbearable?  I think I'll pass on calling you, thank you very much.

2. Domino by Jessie J
This is yet another song that my roommate got me hooked on.  (I hope you're noticing a trend.)  I can't even count how many days we got ready in the morning to Jessie J belting it out.  I'm not gonna lie...I am absolutely in love with this song.  It's so fun and fresh and it just has a life-is-awesome-and-I-know-it kind of vibe.  I'm also a big fan of her bedazzled lips in this video.  I love them so much that one day, I tried to bedazzle my own lips.  My roommate laughed so hard she could barely breathe.  It was a lovely photo shoot, and those pictures will never be seen by public eyes.

1. What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction
If you've never heard of One Direction, you should probably Google them.
You see, my roommate has a minor obsession with these guys.  And when I say minor, I mean major.  Extremely major.
Baby, you light up my world like nobody else.
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed.
The way you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh, oh
You don't know you're beautiful!
If only you saw what I can see
You'd understand why I want you so desperately.
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, oh, oh
You don't know you're beautiful!
Oh, oh, that's what makes you beautiful!
Well, One Direction, after hearing you sing that at me 5 million times over the past few months, even if I didn't know it before, I can honestly say that I do know I'm beautiful.  But I'm sure you're going to continue telling me that I don't because that's what you're best at: running around on the beach and making every single female under the age of 20 drool over you while you remind them that they don't know they're beautiful.  But hey, I'm not hating, because it's certainly working for you.  You're young, you're successful, and you've won our hearts.  Even mine.  :)

So there you go.  That's my second semester in a nutshell!  Stay tuned for more of my final thoughts as I wrap up my freshman year.

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